I haven't written anything here for a week or so....
Partly out of pure laziness.
Partly because in my last entry I 'promised' to post pictures in this one, but I'm too lazy to do that!
I must stop making promises for future entries...
One good thing .... I managed to get the digital camera to communicate with the pc again so this not only means I finally get around to putting all those cheapo kits I bought up for sale on ebay, but I can also post pics of of my larger creations on here, and prove that I have actually stitched them! One day.....
Good news! I was completely wrong about the framing man. I misunderstood him on the phone, thinking he wanted £130, in fact he only wanted £30. I was gobsmacked! This miniscule amount must have barely covered his materials, and he does such an excellent job. I insisted he take some extra money which is not at all like the old tightwad that I am. As soon as the dreaded elephant is finished I'll be back round to him with the next batch of framing for him to do, although I do sort-of feel I'm taking advantage. He seems so happy to do it though, and both he and his wife said such positive things about the clowns, which I freely admitted I wasn't too keen on. They said everyone who had visited them had admired it, which really gives me a buzz because not too many people see my cross stitch, I'm not one for showing it off to people and I don't have any friends who are as in to stitching as I am, so its really nice to receive some praise for it. The butterfly fairy looks beautiful and is now up on the wall in place of the elepants (the one I finished years ago). The clowns are also on the wall in the living room at the moment but they'll have to go somewhere else eventually as they don't go with the style of the room. It does look much better in the frame though.
I've done absolutely no work on 'African Dawn' - going to have to force myself to sooner or later just to get it done. I don't like the colour of some of the backstitch on the cover photo. Its done in a light colour around the elephant and really sticks out rather than subtly blending in. I'm half tempted to use a darker colour instead but am not sure as I've never deliberately changed a colour like that before.
I have, however, done loads of stitching. All on the Iris fairy. Although I have to say its not as far on as it should be. Yesterday I stitched and unpicked a whole stem TWICE as I'd managed to do it wrong both times. Sooooooo frustrating. But my new rule of thumb when it comes to frogging. Unpick straight away as soon as I realise and re-stitch correctly as fast as possible. Never, EVER, leave it with the mistake in place for unpicking later. Motivation will just die then.
Thats what I think anyway!