Cross Stitch Ramblings


Where have I been???

I am still here!
Unfortunately, not stitching.
I haven't lifted a needle in weeks!
I was working exclusively on Sleeping Beauty for a while, she's looking good now, she has a face! I'll have to post a picture.......
At the end of August I took a sudden interest in my family history - my Dad's side has always been a bit of a mystery and I was intrigued. Since 27th August I've managed to build up a family tree with over 500 relatives on it!
I'm trying to leave that alone now as have to concentrate on my daughter's education. She has an important exam coming up in November that I need to help her get ready for. She needs to do a lot of work to get up to the standard needed to pass. I doubt I'll be stitching again until afterwards.
The real worrying thing is, my eyesight. It has seriously deteriorated in the last year, I'm now wearing contact lenses that were prescribed to me 2 months ago but I am just not seeing everything as I should. The only thing I can think has seriously contributed to a sudden depreciation in my sight is the intense amount of close stitching work I've done over the past year, I've been short-sighted since my teens but in the past few years my prescription had hardly changed at all. I really don't think I can continue to stitch on the scale I was doing. I do miss it, but I at the moment I can't see well enough even if I did want to stitch. I'm not giving it up for good, I will be back!
I hope everyone is keeping well.